Sunday 18th July 2010 h. 11 a.m.
DUO F.TAGLIABUE/F. PARRAVICINI - Alpe Prabello/Rifugio Cristina
Valmalenco  (Sondrio)
Friday 13 August 2010 h. 9 p.m.
PERCUSSION STAFF - Cortile Banda Sociale
via Manzoni, 45 - Merate (LC)




Thursday 18th February 2010 h. 9 p.m.
PERCUSSION STAFF - Auditorium Laboratorio Musicale
via Viganella ang. via Di Vittorio - Lecco
Sunday 2th August 2009
PERCUSSION STAFF - Kommeno - Greece
aturday 18th July 2009 h. 9 p.m.
Villa Guglielmi - Via del Faro
Saturday 27th September 2008 h. 20.00 
Leipzig - Germany
Friday 26th September 2008 h. 20.00 
PERCUSSION STAFF - Friedenskirche
Radebeul - Germania
Wednesday 24th September  2008 h. 20.00 
PERCUSSION STAFF - Neuer Sächsischer Kunstverein; Erstbegegnungen
Dresden - Germany
Sunday 21st September 2008 h. 15.00 
PERCUSSION STAFF - Landschaftspark Bärwalder See- Amphitheater im Ohr
Boxberg - Germany
Saturday 20th September 2008 h. 20.00
PERCUSSION STAFF - Kulturhaus Thealozzi
Bochum - Germania
Saturday 16th August 2008 h. 21.00
PERCUSSION STAFF - "Corte di Arenaro"
Torre in Pietra - Roma
Friday 20th June 2008 h. 21.30

S. Calogero Square - Civate (LC)

Saturday 16tH June 2007 h. 21.00
Saturday 12th May 2007 h. 17.00
Laboratories of chorus and percussions civica scuola di musica della provincia di sondrio - Aula Magna of the Hospital - Sondrio
Thursday 10th May 2007 h. 18.30
Consuelo Orsingher (voice) Fausto Tagliabue (percussion, trumpet)
Auditorium S. Antonio - Morbegno (so)
Saturday 21st April 2007 h. 18.00

PERCUSSION STAFF - Museum of Contemporary Art "La Casa del Console"
Calice Ligure (SV)

Satuday 25th november 2006 h. 15.00

CONTEO PROJECT - Aula Magna Ospedale di Sondrio - Sondrio
Saturday 4 november 2006

laboratorio percussioni civica scuola di musica della provincia di sondrio - Sondrio
Wednesday 25th october 2006 h. 21.00

laboratorio percussioni civica scuola di musica della provincia di sondrio -
Apologia di Socrate di Carlo Rivolta - Sondrio
Wednesday 9th August 2006

Trio Vincenzo Zitello - Chiesa in Valmalenco (So)
Sunday 23rd July 2006

Wednesday 19th July 2006
PERCUSSION STAFF - Cascina Monluè Milano
Thursday 29th June 2006
PERCUSSION STAFF - Pozzo d'Adda (Bg) - Clusone Jazz Festival
Saturday 13th May 2006  h.21.00
PERCUSSION STAFF - Sala Polifunzionale - Polo Tecnologico Brianza - Desio (Mi)


Realized by lele09